What to Expect When You Bring Your Pet to the Vet!


Two Categories 

There are two basic categories of veterinary visits – annual exams (basic checkups) and sick visits. Annual exams should occur at least once yearly – twice yearly if your pet is over 7 years old. These visits will include a physical exam, vaccines (if needed), blood work and urine analysis (if of a certain age), and discussions about basic health concerns.  Sick visits are visits scheduled when your pet is actively having a problem – vomiting, diarrhea, not eating, itchy ears, skin issues, etc. 


Getting There 

Anytime you go to the vet, you should make sure that you bring your pet in a secure carrier – dogs should be on a good quality leash and be well-restrained; cats should be brought in carriers that don’t fall apart. Try to use the least stressful mode of transportation possible.  Going to the vet is stressful as-is; it’s best to try to keep your pet as calm as possible on the way there. You should arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment to fill out the paperwork.  

Be prepared with the following information: 

  • How much does your pet eat? What does your pet eat? (If you can’t remember the name, taking a picture of the food is always helpful). 

  • The names and doses of all of your pet’s medications or supplements. 

  • Any previous health records (from the shelter, breeder, or other veterinarians). 

Please don’t assume that your vet is familiar with all the medications your pet is currently taking.  Some medications are different colors depending on the manufacturer – so telling us that your dog is on a blue tablet twice daily does not help. You can bring the medications with you, or bring a picture of all of the bottles.  It is also a good idea to bring a list of questions to your appointment so that you don’t forget to talk about anything that has been bothering you or your pet. 

Don’t forget, keeping your pets on a regular exam schedule for preventive healthcare is one of the keys to a long and healthy life! 

Nicholas Yoon